The Luxe Digest

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High Intensity Interval Training for beginners (HIIT)

Have you heard of High Intensity Interval Training, otherwise known as HIIT?
High Intensity Interval training is short bursts of concentrated high octave activity followed by low intensity activity like walking on treadmill or a rest period, done repeatedly in a short time span. For example, a vigorous exercise done for 20 seconds with a rest period of 10 seconds between the next one.
The benefits of HIIT is almost double that of low impact regular aerobic activity. Done thrice a week, with a correct diet regime fitness would be more pronounced within a short span of 2 months itself. However, it is essential that proper warm up should be done before you start the HIIT as the high intensity workout would put your cardiovascular strength into play immediately. Anyone who wishes to start the HIIT has to first master to engage the muscles of the TA (transverse abdominus). These core muscles will hold your body in correct posture so as to prevent injuries. To build up your strength, stamina and endurance exercises of the TA should be done at least over a month to prepare them for HIIT. HIIT has become a popular training method to burn body fat by alternating periods of high intensity activity with moderate to low activity or complete rest. It is a challenging exercise technique that can increase cardiovascular endurance, boost metabolism, build muscle and keep your heart rate up. Listed below are five exercises for HIIT beginners that can be completed in 10 minutes! Jumping jacks (40 seconds)

  • Rest: 20 seconds
  • Repeat: Two sets

Stand up tall with feet shoulder width apart. Raise your arms while you jump up and land with your feet apart. Lower your hands to your side while you jump up and land with your feet together.
Wide leg squats (40 seconds)

  • Rest: 20 seconds
  • Repeat: Two sets

Start by standing with feet wider than shoulder-width apart and your toes slightly turned out. Push your hips back and bend at the knees to the point where your thighs are almost parallel to the ground. Return to start position and repeat. Keep your heels planted to the ground and your back neutral, do not bend forward or let your knees fall inward.Triceps dips (40 seconds)

  • Rest: 20 seconds
  • Repeat: Two sets

Using a chair/bench slide your buttocks forward with hands placed on the edge and fingers facing forward. Lower your hips down, bending your elbows, then push back up. Bend your knees for an easier version or have knees extended for a harder version of the exercise.Side lunges (40 seconds)

  • Rest: 20 seconds
  • Repeat: Two sets

Stand up straight with your feet together. Push your hips back as you lunge to one side keeping your knee over your second toe. Push through your heels to return to the start position. The landing must be soft and easy on your joints.Mountain climbers (40 seconds)

  • Rest: 20 seconds
  • Repeat: Two sets

In a plank position, keeping your hips and low back neutral, alternately bring your knees toward your elbow on the same side.In 10 minutes, you can conquer a vigorous workout. Short high intensity workouts can do more for your health than long, leisurely sessions. High Intensity Interval Training is quick, effective with no equipment needed. You can do it anywhere! You can join online fitness sessions with our renowned professional fitness trainers at